11 Jan MyBank at Salone dei Pagamenti 2023: the interview by Bancaforte

On the occasion of the 2023 edition of Salone dei Pagamenti, Italy’s payment sector major event promoted by ABI (Italian Banking Association), our CEO Tarik Zerkti had the pleasure to meet Maddalena Libertini from Bancaforte and look back to a really special year for MyBank: 2023 marked our 10th anniversary, a decade where we have been building our solution allowing people and businesses to pay online from their bank account.
“We still believe that our solution and our model have lot of value. What we did, was to build this ecosystem that has a strong brand, rules, a common user experience and, above all, a solution manager in the middle that really facilitates this collaboration and allows this ecosystem to live. This is what we see as a strong added value of our solution” said Tarik Zerkti on this occasion.
Bancaforte’s interview was not only an opportunity to illustrate how our journey began, but also to talk about the extension of our reach to more European countries such as Belgium, Spain and Portugal, which was announced during summer 2023.
Furthermore, we touched upon our role of enabler within the EU’s dynamic and diverse payments landscape.
Watch the video-interview to find out more!
11 Jan 2024