05 Nov #InaNutshell: HOW TO PAY WITH MYBANK
When you pay with MyBank you can trust to a solution that is is simple, frictionless and secure.
Regardless if you pay online or with a payment link received by e-mail or sms from a merchant or a payment to a Public Administration, MyBank always works in the same way to ensure you have a seamless and secure payment experience.
How to pay with MyBank
- When you are ready to pay, select MyBank and choose your bank on the dedicated list.
Generally, you will find a drop-down menu with all the participating banks listed in alphabetical order; alternatively, you can type the name of your bank.
- You will automatically be re-directed to your online banking Login page.
- Enter your usual credentials to access the online banking portal.
A pre-filled bank transfer form will be immediately available. The beneficiary’s details, the amount and the purpose of payment will already be on the form, therefore there will be no need to enter any further data or information.
- Check the payment information and authorize the transaction with one click.
In only a few seconds both the seller or the Public Administration entity and yourself will receive confirmation of the processed payment.
No service activation needed
If you wish to use MyBank to make secure payments from your internet banking, no activation process will be needed. Basically, if your bank is already part of its network, no set-up will be required as the relevant services will already be integrated within the home banking system provided by your bank.
Wishing to check if your bank is part of MyBank network?
Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, Banca Sella, Gruppo ICCREA, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, and Cassa Centrale Banca are only a few examples of banks allowing you to pay online with MyBank.
Over 200 banks have activated its solution; here you will find a comprehensive and regularly updated list: https://mybank.eu/participating-banks-and-psps/.
Check if the name of your bank is included and, if so, you will be able to use MyBank for your payments with no additional requests or further steps.
Neither new registrations nor new passwords will be required.
MyBank transaction fees are those of a standard bank wire transfer or based on your bank’s own contractual terms and conditions.
Looking for further information? Please contact us via Contacts and Support.
⚠️ For your own safety, please keep in mind: never share your online banking login credentials and never reply to e-mails or telephone messages asking you to provide any similar data. In the event of this type of requests and/or in case of any doubts, always contact the assistance and support centre of your bank/PSP.
Remember: neither your bank nor MyBank will NEVER ask you to update your account information or confirm your PIN or further credentials via a link sent by email, SMS or in a phone call.
5 Nov 2021