Apollonia Lazazzara
Product Manager, Zucchetti
Paolo Ravizza
Project Manager, Zucchetti
Zucchetti is a company with a clear strategic focus on digital, whose mission is to help companies simplify their business. How has partnering with MyBank helped streamline your processes and those of your counterparties?
Zucchetti was born with the aim of automating, simplifying and making company processes and obligations efficient: these objectives are part of the company’s and its team’s DNA.
One more “genetic” feature of Zucchetti is its continuous focus on innovation that allows us to grasp and, sometimes, even anticipate, the opportunities related to technological evolution: for example, those emerged in recent years, following the introduction of the e-invoicing obligations and, later on, the needs linked to the pandemic.
All these factors have further accelerated our decision to launch the Zucchetti Store e-commerce, whose opening took place in 2020 to support the digitization of SMEs.
Therefore, we can say that Zucchetti’s innovative nature brings us to offer punctual and practical solutions to meet our customers’ needs, and, at the same time, allows us to monitor and improve business processes at our end: over the course of 2021, this dual objective was achieved thanks to our partnership with MyBank, which provided us with a bank transfer with immediate confirmation. This payment method has been added to those that were already available in our Zucchetti Store ecommerce portal, which offers digital solutions and services for small and medium enterprises, self-employed professionals and professional firms.
A series of immediate benefits have been realised following the implementation of MyBank in February 2021: all administrative processes have been simplified and speeded up.
Our administration team particularly appreciated the speed of bank reconciliations and the certainty of payment, as MyBank transfers cannot be revoked: a critical feature in our business. Therefore, in a nutshell, the adoption of this new payment method and the partnership with MyBank have significantly improved our business processes, whilst allowing us to offer our customers a better payment experience on our ecommerce portal.
How have your customers responded to the introduction of this new account-to-account payment tool?
The response was very positive: having the choice of alternative payment methods options is always much appreciated, we see it ourselves, too, as consumers. The possibility of purchasing online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no time limits, was appreciated.
In addition to this, the bank transfer with immediate confirmation offered by MyBank does not have the typical credit card spending limits that could be an issue in case of medium-to-large value transactions and is not subject to an expiry date like a credit card.
Finally, for customers who are still wary of paying online, it is a reliable method perceived as secure by customers, because it allows them to use their own bank account, it offers a payment which is similar to standard bank transfers and allows users to streamline administrative monitoring by verifying a single account statement.
Furthermore, for Zucchetti there were significant advantages in adopting MyBank: it optimised administrative processes and improved the level of services offered to customers, which remains our main goal. Generally speaking, for end-customers, being able to choose from multiple payment systems is always an advantage.
27 Jan 2023